Here we sit, in the children's room at church...
Here we sit, in the children's room at church, looking forward to the next series... DOORS (to financial freedom). We will be talking about how to manage your money the way that God wants us to.
There are a lot of churches where money is not discussed, it is a taboo topic that noone touches. For some reason we compartmentalize that part of our life and say, "that's noone else's business!" You know what I have to say about that...?
Why would we say that we want God to be in control of every part of our life... except our money. Why do we hide that aspect of our life? Most of the time I think it is because we know that we have not handled it the way that we are supposed to. Deep down we are ashamed of how we have used the financial resouces God has given to us.
Of course we should talk about money in church! Financial problems are probably the number one thing (next to sin) that comes between us and God. How are we supposed to focus on God when creditors are calling? How are we supposed to focus on God when we are drowning in debt? How are we supposed to focus on God when we are wondering how we are going to make our mortage payment? Money consumes almost everthing we do, it drives almost every decision that we make. Of course we should talk about money in church! Let's get this money issue figured out in our life and then we can easily move forward to focusing on God instead of focusing on our checkbook.