Friday, December 5, 2008

My Own Medicine

I asked everyone on staff to be sure and blog this week, and Doug ragged me today because I hadn’t done it yet. Seems like I am always behind. I guess I was just waiting for the right thing to prompt me. Something kind of cool happened tonight that I thought I would write about.

Jess and I went to Bailey Collins’ basketball game tonight (highly entertaining) and out to Tokyo Express afterwards for dinner. We were standing in line and a nice woman came up to me and asked “aren’t you the preacher at High Rock?”. It caught me totally off guard, but I replied, “yes I am”. She reached out her hand and had some money in it… “we want to pay for your dinner”, she told me. This surprised me even more, so I said, “really?” and she said, “yes, we really appreciate what you are doing.” I didn’t even know what to say except thanks. And then like that… poof… she was gone and I couldn’t find her anywhere.

We have been doing so much giving lately I didn’t know what to say when it was my turn to receive. Giving is really important, but sometimes we get so focused on giving that we don’t think about receiving. I know that sounds weird and some people may think it sounds kind of selfish, but it really isn’t. Normally I would have refused to accept it… but if I had done that she would not have had a chance to give. In order to have giving, there must be receiving. So thanks to the woman who did that for us and I pray that God blesses her and she continues to give.