Monday, January 26, 2009

Righteous Outcry

I’m not one for strong political speeches, in fact, although I try to stay up to date on political issues I still consider myself something of a political novice. What I do understand however, is what the Bible says about moral issues. When political decision-making crosses path with moral issues that are clearly defined in the Bible, I take notice. Particularly when those decisions contradict God’s Word.

On Friday, our new President overturned a ban on federal funding going to organizations that promote or perform abortions. What that means is that as a Christian, our tax money will now go to organizations that perform abortions. I don’t like to make political statements, but I don’t mind making moral ones, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. As believers in Christ we must be willing to stand up and respond when our government crosses the moral line. There must be what I consider a righteous outcry against such actions. God has really laid this on my heart and I am going to begin researching how to be a part of making our voice heard on this subject.