Worship Breakout!
Late Night Musings Vol. 11
A crucial element to a healthy Christian walk is to submit to the authority of God. I have no problem doing that because I am a rule-follower. To me it is simple, if God says I shouldn’t be sexually immoral, I won’t. If He says He wants me to tithe, I will. If He sets the rule, I will follow. I believe He has put this in me to help me communicate this concept, but also to help keep me above reproach as a man and pastor. To shield me from moral failings and temptations. I thank Him wholeheartedly for that.
I think that most people underestimate the amount of thought, planning, prayer, and preparation that goes into just one weekend’s message. To me there is a beauty in taking a message concept or scripture and finding a way to communicate it in a way that makes sense and takes people on a journey of discovery. God made me a craftsman to help me craft meaningful and effective messages. I take great joy in seeing a rag-tag bunch of ideas come together in a masterpiece. It is a beautiful thing and it helps lead people to real life change.
Late Night Musings Vol. 10
These are several pieces of the picture, but how do they fit? What is the picture? As I sit back now and look at the position God has put me in as a pastor at high Rock it is beginning to make sense! Each piece fits perfectly.
God has made me a teacher. I sincerely want to teach people. I want them to “get it”. To honestly trust Christ with their salvation and life. That means really putting Him in control of their everyday thoughts and activities. He has given me the desire to do that in a practical and creative way that will open closed eyes and soften hard hearts. The fact that He has made ma a logical thinker helps me be a better teacher. I can organize thoughts well and communicate concepts in a clear and understandable way. People often tell me that one of their favorite things about HRCC is (at all campuses) that they finally understand church sermons! Great! If we aren’t doing that, then what are we doing as teachers?
Without God teaching me to be 100% dedicated to Him, I would have no motivation to teach people to do that very thing. If God wasn’t teaching me constantly there would be no drive to teach. How can I ask or instruct people to do what I myself am not willing to do?
Quote from Ken Blanchard
Late Night Musings Vol. 9
I am a...
This will definitely shock some people, but it’s true. I have never been an overtly social person. I function well in groups and relate well to people in the moment, but I am not by definition a “people person”. Truth be told, I love being alone (which includes being with Jess and the boys). I like the peacefulness of it. Solitude and reflection are my friends. I can see this clearly now as an adult because I know I am not good at keeping up relationships with friends. I talk to almost no friends from High School or College, I talk to my parents maybe once a month (on a good month), and I struggle to call and check up with people from the church to see how they are doing. Again, not sure why this is, it just is.
Late Night Musings Vol. 8
I am a...
Surveys consistently show that one of the biggest fears people have is public speaking. I can honestly say that I am not included in that group. I have been in front of people my whole life. Singing in church, being in YMCA variety shows, HS/MS Chorus, Mixed Ensemble, Boys Quartet, All-County/State Chorus, NYSSMA Solos, High School Musicals, BMOC, New Grace Singers, HRCC Praise Team, you name it. I have been in front of crowds my whole life and have absolutely no fear (except the healthy kind) before stepping on stage.
Late Night Musings Vol. 7
I am a...
Spoiler Alert! I’m a huge nerd. Don’t worry, it’s okay with me. It served me pretty well thus far. I am a logical, linear thinker, not a feeler. That is why when I was young I excelled in math, in fact all the way through High School I never got less than a 98 on a Math Regents Exam (or EOG/EOC as they are called in NC). Not because I am particularly smart, but because my brain is just wired that way. I often don’t do things that I consider irrational or have not been thought through (sometimes overanalyzed).
Buzzwords: Saved
Late Night Musings Vol. 6
I am a...
Basically a fancy word to say I like to make stuff. God etched into me a little bit of a creative edge. I have found that there are two basic kinds of creativity… spontaneous and inspired. I have not been blessed with the gift of spontaneous creativity. I wish I was, but alas (yes, alas) I was not. I can’t come up with creative ideas, lyrics, images, etc… out of thin air, rather my creativity is the result of inspiration. I see an image, hear a verse, get and idea, then the creativity flows. When I was younger I drew and painted, nothing too spectacular, not exactly Rembrandt, but I enjoyed it. As I grew older and learned the guitar I began expressing my creativity by writing songs… everything from the light hearted “Yo Mamma” (a classic by the way) to lyrics that didn’t even come from my own experience like “I’m sitting on these steps and the screams aren’t fading. A tear falls from my eye because it must be my fault.” A downer, I know. As I have grown older yet, I write less music, I don’t draw much anymore, but I have taken up the hobby of woodworking. One of my favorite things to do is take raw materials, plan with them, cut them, sand them, and see something created out of essentially nothing. It is a beautiful process.
Buzzwords: Crucified
Late Night Musings Vol. 5
I am a...
I find it interesting that my whole life I have wanted to be a teacher. I have always respected my teachers that would lead us to concepts and understanding as opposed to cramming material for tests. In fact, as a freshman in college I had a major in Education with a minor in Mathematics. My aspiration was to be a math teacher. Math has always come easily to me and I thought I wanted to teach. My mother always use to tell me what a good teacher I was as I showed her how to use the delete button on our computer, maybe that’s where it came from. Turns out that Calculus isn’t real math unfortunately (at least in my book). It deals more with concepts than actual numbers and I didn’t handle that well. I gave that three shots and realized that math, and consequently education, were not for me. I changed my major to business management for the supposed moolah, but was never able to shake the fulfillment I got from teaching people new concepts and seeing their “light bulb moment”.
Late Night Musings Vol. 4
I am a...
You may not be able to tell it by looking at my life, but I sweat the small stuff. Actually I find that in many areas of my life that is true, and in many areas it is not. I typically like things symmetrical, orderly, even, square. Yes it’s true, when I am at a restaurant and see a crooked picture I get up and straighten it. I am that guy. Even when it comes to folding laundry, there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. I do it the right way. This shows up a lot in graphics I create for the church. My graphics tend to be more logical and less artistic. I will work on a graphic for way too long to make it as close to perfect as I can get. I also see this a lot in formatting notes and outlines. To me thought organization on a page is an art in and of itself. For me, good enough is never good enough.
Buzzwords: Lord
You might be thinking… Lord? I know what that means, it means God is in control right? Sort of. It must be, just think of the lord of the house, the lord of the castle, and the lord of the rings! The key words used in the Bible that translate to Lord are YHWH (Yahweh), Kurios, and Adonay. Definition of these words? Lord.
Perhaps you have heard somewhere along the line that it is easy to make Jesus your Savior, but much harder to make him your Lord. I have to agree. Jesus as my Savior benefits me, Jesus as my Lord benefits Him. I know there are benefits to putting God in control, but they come at a cost. There are a lot of people who say “Lord Jesus” or “Jesus is my Lord” and don’t mean it. Often they don’t even understand the gravity of what they are saying.
Lord Jesus is in complete control.
I submit to His will no matter what it takes and what it costs.
Lord Jesus determines my steps, He guides my conversations, He holds my heart in His hand. Lord Jesus owns me.
Lord Jesus loves me.
Lord Jesus controls me.
He is my Lord. Is He yours?
Late Night Musings Vol. 3
First I have to realize that I am an incomplete picture. I am not a final product, I am a prototype. Getting there, but not there. So all I can do is look at the pieces He has shown me so far to catch a glimpse at the picture and wait for the rest to bring it into focus. Maybe experiences that I have right now are major puzzle pieces and I don’t even know it yet. I will just have to wait for God to reveal that to me when He is ready. So what has He unveiled so far and how has it sculpted me? As I look back on my life I see that (in no particular order) I am a…
Rule Follower
Growing up I was taught to follow the rules. I color inside of the lines. I can’t remember one time in school that I ever had detention or was even sent to the principal’s office. Honestly, I probably couldn’t tell you any of my principals’ names (with the exception of Mrs. Polemeni because she is the mayor of our city, and “Mr. Dorito” whose real name I can’t recall). Even to this day it makes me very uncomfortable to disobey the rules. For example, if my glass is empty at a restaurant and our waitress is not paying us attention, I would rather die of dehydration than go behind the counter and get my own drink from the fountain. THAT’S OFF LIMITS PEOPLE! And given the choice I will always walk on the sidewalk instead of the grass. Why am I that way? No clue, just am.
Buzzwords: Love
- Love
- Lord
- Crucified
- Saved
- Disciple
- Repentance
- Amen
Why Men Hate Going to Church...
- His recliner is much more comfortable than a pew.
- Communion isn't his idea of an appropriate pre-game tailgate snack.
- He finds his Snuggie more comfortable than a choir robe.
- Because standing and sitting 12 times constitutes exercise, which violates the Sabbath.
- Top Ten plays on Sportscenter is much more interesting than the Top Ten Hymnal Hits.
- The senile old lady that insists on giving him an uncomfortably long hug.
- He has to actually put on pants Sunday morning.
Late Night Musings Vol. 2
Before I was a pastor I don’t know if I ever honestly thought about who God had created me to be. Sure I thought about what I was good at, what I enjoyed, what I wanted to do, “when I grew up.” But never really looked at the big picture and realized the mosaic that God was creating. To see that He had orchestrated every piece of my life to lead me where He wanted me to be, and that He is not even close to finished. Part of me wishes that I had seen it sooner and could have taken steps to prepare myself more fully for my purpose… and yet part of me realizes that perhaps the veiling of my purpose was necessary to lead me to it. The process of discovery has been and exciting one and there is a sense in which I feel like a child who is learning that he can swing, or run, or stack blocks. All of these things seem run-of-the-mill to us now, but when we are still young they are significant revelations. God is teaching me very specifically who He has designed me to be. As He is doing this, He is revealing to me events and experiences from my life that He has (unbeknownst to me) been using to shape me for this day and the days to come. It’s almost as if He has been creating each piece of the puzzle and He is just now putting the edges together. Not to dissimilar from one of my favorite movies of all time “Magnolia”. It is a strange movie for sure; in fact most people don’t get it. But I see my life in that movie. It tells the story of several different people living very distinct and separate lives. All with their own seemingly disconnected circumstances and issues. Yet somehow by the end of the movie every single story interconnects and you can se a larger picture that is greater than the sum of its parts. That is my life. I also believe that if everyone would truly seek God’s purpose for their own life, they would see that it is theirs as well.
What is my picture? What is God forming me into? What does He want me to do?

Blog Archive
- Worship Breakout!
- Late Night Musings Vol. 11
- Late Night Musings Vol. 10
- Quote from Ken Blanchard
- JD and Ella
- Late Night Musings Vol. 9
- Late Night Musings Vol. 8
- Late Night Musings Vol. 7
- Buzzwords: Saved
- Late Night Musings Vol. 6
- Buzzwords: Crucified
- Late Night Musings Vol. 5
- Late Night Musings Vol. 4
- Buzzwords: Lord
- Late Night Musings Vol. 3
- Buzzwords: Love
- Buzzwords
- Why Men Hate Going to Church...
- Late Night Musings Vol. 2