Late Night Musings Vol. 14
I am simply in awe of what God has done. I must always remember that I am nothing without Christ. As a pastor I absolutely cannot let pride slip into my thoughts. If I forget for 1 second that every gift, every passion, every opportunity comes from God I could be in serious, serious trouble. Pride has destroyed more pastors than I can count and I must always remember that this is not my church, it’s not Ray’s, it’s not Ronnie’s, it’s not Ron’s, or Brian’s, or Mike’s, or Doug’s, or Torrey’s, it’s God’s, and God’s alone. I would never have believed that God would have me in the position He has me in right now. Yet He does, and looking back now, if makes sense. It makes perfect sense. I am completely humbled at this moment. At the same time ecstatic, scared, thankful, honored, awestruck, too many things to write.
“Lord, I thank you for who you are. I could never match the greatness of Your glory. I could never live up to Your standards. I ask you to forgive me for my sins and where I have failed you. I honestly pursue Your will for my life. I need your direction. My desire is to serve you any way you see fit, so please make that unmistakably clear to me. If there is any place in my life where I need refinement, please send me the instruction and training I need. I want to be all that you need of me. Thank you for all you have allowed me to do through your strength. I am honored to be your servant. I offer myself wholly to you. Amen.”