Friday, February 20, 2009

Angels of Light

We are studying a scripture this weekend in the message that talks about Satan and his angels disguising themselves as “angels of light”, with the intent to deceive believers into temptation. There are people all around us that distort scripture to fit their own evil agenda and will try to convince us that they speak the truth. I love the words I read today from Matthew Henry on this subject. He is particularly discussing Jesus’ temptation in the desert.

“Let not any abuse of Scripture by Satan or by men abate our esteem, or cause us to abandon its use; but let us study it still, seek to know it, and seek our defence from it in all kinds of assaults. Let this word dwell richly in us, for it is our life. Our victorious Redeemer conquered, not for himself only, but for us also. The devil ended all the temptation. Christ let him try all his force, and defeated him. Satan saw it was to no purpose to attack Christ, who had nothing in him for his fiery darts to fasten upon. And if we resist the devil, he will flee from us.” —Matthew Henry Concise